Comments for ACIM Book - A Course In Miracles

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Aug 10, 2012
Get quiet. Look within.
by: Forbes McM

This comment has been significantly edited by KTO.
Dear Forbes, I value the other point you were making. Please feel free to convey the message of your comment in a way that is not directed towards an individual in the ACIM forum .

This book is an edited collection of pieces written by Ian for the 'Miracle Worker' magazine (which Ian edits and publishes). The book has an episodic, fragmented nature, with no real central theme running through it (other than that it is a book written about ACIM)...

Get quiet, look within yourself, and start keeping a journal of what you find. I will bet that what you end up with will be every bit as useful as this book, if not more so. There's a Course in all of us, and we just have to tune into it.

I wish Ian well in his authorial activities, but you can pretty much file this offering under the "nice, but why bother?" category. "I tak a scunner wi' it," as we might say in my part of the world.

Note from

Dear Forbes,
I am hopeful that Ian would share your advice on the value of getting quiet and looking within yourself.
And if the still small voice someone hears advises them to buy this book, then I suggest they buy it. ;-)

Words in any book, including A Course In Miracles, are just “symbols of symbols”. If we use these symbols under the guidance of the Holy Spirit then they will serve us well.

This voice can speak in silence but it can also speak through others.

With the Love we are,

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15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

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Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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