A Book on Awareness – How to Change Your Reactions

by Fiona Maguire



"The Key to Awareness, How to Act rather than React" is a step by step guide to help you resolve stress, unhelpful thoughts, emotions, conditioning and actions by becoming aware.

Go from Stress, Overwhelm and Frustration to Clarity, Focus and Direction as you become Aware.

The first part of the book guides you to noticing your awareness and letting go of conditioning and thought and emotional patterns that do not serve you.

The second part of the book guides you into embodying awareness, by releasing the tension and stress in your body that is caused through not being aware.

Here are two testimonials for this book on awareness:

“The book helped me realise that I need to be more present in the here and now, rather than stuck in the past or over thinking what will happen in the future. I try not to over analyse situations and go through it again and again in my mind, but deal with it the moment it arises.
I especially like the grounding exercise, because it helps a lot to 'stay in tune' with myself and makes me more energised.
I think / feel that the process gave me more patience, which helps me both at work and in private.”
Orshe Lefler

"... packed full of useful ideas and techniques. It does do what it says it does!”
Ed Lincoln – Publishing Consultant

Read more about the book or buy it on Amazon . (Link goes through to the Amazon bookstore in USA.)

Tags: book, awareness, how to change your reactions, how to be present

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How to love ourselves and share that love with others

by Kerri Mortenson
(Queen Creek, AZ, USA)

Book Title: Love in the Here and Now by Kerri Mortenson

Love is a transformational emotion that drives our lives forward with action, change, and lessons.

Love is unconditional and moves in a forward motion with action.

The writings in this book teach lessons on how to be kind and gentle to self along with sharing that love with others.

Love in the Here and Now guides you how to change your life for love and how to love life for a change.
Love is all that is.
Love is YOU, love is ME, and love is US-One with our Creator.

This book is 36 pages of incredible wisdom.
One can feel the love pouring from the words as they are read and absorbed into the heart.

Comments for How to love ourselves and share that love with others

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Feb 11, 2017
Have it, Love it
by: Anonymous

I got this book (Love in the Here and Now by Kerri Mortenson) as a gift, of love and help. It was very insightful and helpful book. It made me really think about my life and how I am important and a loving person.

Feb 17, 2016
Wonderful book
by: Anonymous

This book is very wonderful to read; it put tear to my eyes and happiness in my heart.

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Learn to say No

Do you say yes when you feel like saying no?

Transform Stress, Anger and Pain into Health and Happiness

“Throughout life we continually say ‘Yes’ to people and situations even when we feel like saying ‘No.’ When we repress our true feelings, we become artificial and create tension and stress for ourselves and others. In this way, we stop ourselves from living and experiencing life fully and authentically,” says Eliza Mada Dalian, the seven-time award-winning author of In Search of the Miraculous: Healing into Consciousness.

If you have felt like saying, ‘No’ to people but keep saying, ‘Yes’ because you’re afraid to be impolite, hurt others’ feelings, or be rejected, the No - Yes Active Meditation is a powerful technique to help you quickly and safely release these suppressed emotions and transform what’s negative in your life into inner health and happiness.

The instructions and music are specifically designed for this detoxification of repressed stress, pain, anxiety, anger and sadness from the body’s cellular memory without the fear of judgment, criticism or rejection from others.

The No - Yes also helps in understanding the underlying causes of emotions, and transforming insecurities into positive, uplifting feelings of acceptance, love and forgiveness. Even occasional practice with this powerful technique will help you feel good about yourself, others, and life. An authentic ‘Yes’ to life will surface from the depth of your being.

Devised by internationally acclaimed master healer, self-realized mystic, and founder of the Dalian Method for health and consciousness, Eliza Mada Dalian, the No - Yes is a powerful at-home practice for those who strive to understand themselves, de-stress, dis-identify from their emotions, and find the joy and peace of their true being.
It is also an ideal tool for anger management consultants, counselors and psychologists when recommending self-help tools to their clients or working in a group setting.

The No - Yes Active Meditation will help you:
• Detoxify the Body of Negative Emotions
• Release Stress, Anger, and Pain
• Build Self-esteem and Self-awareness
• Transform Fear into Peace and Happiness
• Heal into Consciousness & Awaken to your True Potential

To order the No Yes Active Meditation CD click here. (The link should go through to your local Amazon bookstore.)

For more offerings by Eliza Mada Dalian visit www.MadaDalian.com or www.HealingIntoConsciousness.com

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The Alchemy of Love and Joy

by Cindy Teevens
(Ottawa, CANADA)

Alchemy, How to Feel Good No Matter What

Cindy is the author of The Alchemy of Love and Joy™. The practice came through her own suffering and later discovery of joy, and it emerged and took form in words, to help someone else. Her life has become happy and often ecstatic with the most simple things. She is excited to continue this adventure and wonders just how good it can become as she practices allowing more and more joy. She encourages the world to—Seek Joy!

She says, `About two years ago I had an experience of intense suffering transformed by and into love and joy. Happiness became my predominant state. Tears of immense gratitude flowed. Laughter burst-out uncontrollably at the simplicity and power of this combination. How was it that we could not have known this before? So many understandings followed this amazing revelation, that I simply could not NOT share this gift.`

To learn more or to order the book from Amazon click here.
(Note from Katherine, author of www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com: If you buy through my link I receive a small commission from your normal purchase price. This helps me to run this spiritual website. Thank you so much.)

From Katherine T Owen. Highly Recommended

A while back Cindy offered free coaching sessions and I took her up on her kind offer.

She took me through the alchemy process that she talks of in her book. I was so impressed with its simplicity and power.

As you may know from the site, I have established many spiritual practices that kept me going in difficult times. As a result, I am pretty picky about selecting new practices to take on.

I recommend Cindy's simple process. I have used it with a friend on occasion to effect a shift in perception from distress to peace.

This is just a quick comment as it is late. I am just checking on the website after time away, and wanted to add a comment to Cindy's review to let you know that this is someone I have spoken to on the phone, whose free chapters I have read, at length on the phone, who I admire and who I recommend.

God Blesses you all ways,

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Steps to Release Your Fears

by Maxine Whitfield
(San Diego, Ca.)

"How to Step Out of Fear and Reclaim Your Life"

Steps to Release Your Fears and Step Into the Life You Have Always Dreamed of

This is 72 page guide so you can release fear from your life. Fear has been in control of others because of the way the world has been. It can keep you from your dreams and living the life you deserve. I share my journey through life and show others a new way to "see". Life is a reflection of yourself. Empowering thoughts, change your life

Maxine Whitfield

To learn more or to order the book from Amazon click here.
(Note from Katherine, author of www.a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com: If you buy through my link I receive a small commission from your normal purchase price. This helps me to run this spiritual website. Thank you so much.)

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Be Loved

15 Spiritual Love Poems
God Love Self Love

(by the author of a-spiritual-journey-of-healing.com)

For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

Katherine's small beautiful collection of poems take the reader with her as she journeys to know both self love and
God's love.

Be Loved Beloved. Cover for Kindle book of spiritual love poems.

If you don't have a kindle, you can download FREE software to read the kindle book on your computer.

Buy the paperback on Lulu

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Be Loved Beloved

"One thing that struck me was the stripping of ego in the work. Most of us have a comfy ego façade, but weakness and disease tore Katherine’s away. The poems in Be Loved Beloved come from the heart."

Dana Taylor, Author of Ever-Flowing Streams: Tapping into Healing Energy

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