Faith in God in difficult times

by luisa
(chicago, il)

God has a plan

God has a special way of putting things together, or keeping them apart.

your life is a rollercoaster, it has ups and downs, you love the thrill but sometimes you’re scared and you want to cry.

But with God and faith you get the bravery to let go off the handles and throw your hands in the air, smile as the air hits you in the face, you are confident that the ones who built this rollercoaster have done everything to protect you and let you enjoy the ride.

God is a safety net, we are balancing on a tight rope, why? we dont know. we cant see that miles and miles away after walking that tight rope theres what we want, we want to see land were we can no longer fear falling down.

But God will make us fall down from that tight rope, not to be mean or just cuz he can but because when you’re done walking that rope, another one will come your way and it may take longer to reach the end but now you know god is there, so you walk with confidence, you walk through miles and miles with faith. because that is life, its not about how skilled you are or how much balance you have, its about what carries you through it.

faith will be a life guard when you’re drowning in your sorrows.
faith will be a safety net when a problem turns into a thin rope you have to walk through to be happy.
faith is your armour, when your enemy is bigger than you and sometimes when that enemy is you.

god is your bff as i like to call him, because i can talk to him for hours and cry and laugh and he will listen, he will not judge he will not interrupt.
we dont have to explain what happened because he was there front row when no one else was.
he will not spill your secrets like other people will.
he will not leave because you are his child, a real father does not abandon his child, believe me.

his love will be eternal, because when one day he wants us back home with him after a long journey, he will open his arms and doors to his home and welcome you as his child, a child he disciplined in ways no one else can, a child that he did everything for...

cry if you need to,
scream into the void if that calms you
but always remember that we can always shut everything and everyone out so we can go to a peaceful place and talk with god.

tags: faith in god in difficult times, its too much, I can’t cope, god please help me, god, why is it so hard

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Dec 01, 2015
Words of encouragement
by: Katherine T Owen

Dear Luisa,
This is beautiful. I am sure your words of encouragement will help people to hold to faith in difficult times.
With the Love we are,

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God Love Self Love

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For 14 years, Katherine T Owen was severely disabled with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unable to walk, with little speech, and with inadequate care.

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